How Spawner Surveys Have Put My Education Into Perspective by Spawner Survey Intern Adam Martinez

A mere 6 months ago, I was sitting in a college classroom learning about stream ecology, finishing up 6 years of college classes preparing me for a career in Environmental Science. It wasn’t clear what I wanted to do or where I would land, or even if I wanted to stay in the environmental science field. However, I now find myself as SFEG’s Spawner Survey intern, learning more about the importance of salmon and steps being taken to enhance their environments in hopes of increasing their abundance. It’s been an interesting transition, something I feel like I was prepared for but in ways I didn’t expect. Upon completing my academic coursework and embarking on the quest for an internship, I initially anticipated engaging in fieldwork, sample collection, and laboratory tasks—activities that had constituted a significant portion of my collegiate experience over the past two years at Western Washington University.

To my surprise, while acknowledging the valuable experiences and lessons gained through my education, it became evident that my extracurricular interests played a pivotal role in my success at SFEG. My passion for the outdoors, be it hiking to scenic vistas, exploring bodies of water, or strolling along the beach in search of geological specimens, mirrored the tasks involved in spawner surveys. Although my academic background furnished essential context for my current responsibilities, its contribution took a unique form. The interpersonal skills cultivated during my academic journey, marked by the connections and relationships built with peers and professors, emerged as a crucial asset. The ability to build rapport with fellow students significantly contributed to my academic achievements, as their support and collaboration proved instrumental in overcoming challenges. Given the occasionally unpredictable nature of spawner surveys, the presence of a reliable companion not only facilitates the tasks at hand but also enhances the overall experience, providing a sense of mutual support and collaboration.

My tenure as SFEG’s spawner survey intern has been very enriching. The practical application of real-world data, collected by both myself and dedicated volunteers, has underscored the tangible value of my collegiate education. Participating in outreach events, such as Salmon Sightings, has added an interactive dimension to my responsibilities, offering unexpected yet gratifying experiences. I’m looking forward to the rest of the spawner surveys this season and can’t wait for all the experiences that are still to come!


Adam on site at Riverfront Park, ready to help with bridge construction