• 30 Years Projects Salmon Habitat Restoration

We are proudly celebrating 30 years of habitat restoration work focused on the recovery of all five species of salmon and the 137 fish and wildlife species dependent on them in the Skagit River watershed, the largest and most important river system flowing into Puget Sound.  Every stream mile restored, every migration barrier removed, and every willow planted, has been made possible by the generous support of people like you.

But our job is far from done. As we celebrate 30 years of success, we need your continuing financial help to keep the Skagit River watershed healthy for salmon and a beautiful place not only for us, but for future generations.

Please consider a donation.  Your gift will keep the Skagit Valley healthy for salmon and our community for years to come.  Thank you!


Project Timeline Map

Hover over January 1, 1990, then click play. Click on black location markers for more information on each project.