This past month following the egg drop off, we have been traveling back to the schools to conduct various art projects with the students. Originally, we had just the bookmark project, but this year we introduced two new alternatives: a comic strip and a paper mâché salmon mural. In all three projects we start by reintroducing the topics we taught the students before involving salmon and how they can include their knowledge into their art. It provides an intriguing way to apply prior knowledge and encourage individual creativity. The projects we encourage the kids to make produce so many unique outcomes and provide us with an insight to what they remember the most about salmon. I’m always elated when we enter a classroom and give them a pop quiz about salmon and they get the answers right. Throughout this internship I’ve seen the students grow their knowledge about salmon and truly remember how salmon impact their world and how they impact the salmon. I look forward to March when we get to release the salmon with the students!

– Victoria Hartman, Education Intern